sexta-feira, setembro 05, 2008

Government guarantees 400 thousand euros to the University of the Azores to support its division through three islands

The Regional Government reinforced, in 50 thousand euros, the financing to the University of the Azores (UAç) by way of compensation for the added costs of the divided structure of the institution.
The additional support of the Executive was consecrated in a protocol signed between the Regional Secretariat for Education and Science and the University.
For the regional secretary Álamo de Meneses, the increase expresses the will expressed by the Government of the Azores when of the preparation of the Plan of Investments for 2008 and comes to guarantee the updating of the direct expenses of the UAç with the division, according with the meantime found values.
The global amount at issue, around 400 thousand euros, will be prosecuted through the Integrated Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation, of the Regional Directorate for Science and Technology, and aims at the support of expenses of staff not linked to the boards of the public administration, missions in the country or abroad, advisers' services, cartridges, acquisition of services, bibliography and equipments.

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