sexta-feira, setembro 05, 2008

Government makes 600 thousand euros available for projects of investigation in Biotechnology and Biomedicine

The Regional Directorate for Science and Technology received nine candidatures, with proposals of investment for 600 thousand euros, to the public tender of presentation of projects of scientific investigation in the areas of Biotechnology and Biomedicine.
The initiative is fitted in the starting process of the scientific activities of the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicina of the Azores (IBA), recently created, and aims at making possible actions of cooperation between the several operational unities establish the new institution.
Among the operational elements of the IBA are teams of investigation of the centres of Biotechnology of the Azores, of Investigation of Natural Resources, of Investigation in Agrarian Technologies and of the IMAR/DOP, all of the University of the Azores, besides the Specialized Service of Epidemiology and Molecular Biology, of the Espírito Santo Hospital of Angra do Heroísmo.
The applied projects complete an investment of around 600 thousand euros, to be granted by the Government of the Azores along three years, and include areas of great interest for the sustainable development of the Region.
The valorisation of the milk products, the identification of microorganisms with biotechnological interest for Azorean products, the analysis of the factors of control of evolution of the embryos of bovines, the evaluation of the biotechnological potential of sea organisms, the study of pathologies of elevated predominance in the Azores and the genomic characterization of diseases, namely of the oncologic forum, are some of the subjects to broach in the projects at issue.

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